
Thinking of Joining?

The next step would be to reach out to the Director of Recruitment, and get details of when our next event is so you can come and join us. Additionally, there are some things you need to keep in mind when you want to join the Iota Chi chapter of Delta Tau Delta.

Committed to Lives of Excellence.

Being a Delt embodies excellence. 


If you receive a bid and decide to pledge Delta Tau Delta, it's important to be aware of the financial obligations involved. During the probationary period, there are specific fees required for new members before initiation can occur.

Here is the breakdown of fees:

Pledge Fees - $445

These fees are paid to the national fraternity, not our local chapter.

Active Dues - $1050

If you face financial difficulties that prevent you from meeting these financial commitments, you may still have options. Depending on the nature of your circumstances, the current active members can vote to apply special conditions to your membership, potentially reducing your dues. There might be a trade-off for reduced dues. For more details, please contact the current Director of Finance.

I've Read Everything, Now What?

Head to the Lindenwood FSL page and click "Register for IFC Fraternity Recruitment." As soon as you fill it out we'll see that you're interested in joining and reach out to you if you haven't already reached out to us. After that we will invite you to events so we can get to know you and, more importantly, so you can get to know us.

We hope to see you soon and hope you Rush Delt!